
In 2018, senior UPCI leadership gathered at a retreat to share vision and needs. The fellows project was in response to the need for increased research and development in the UPCI. Stephen Drury with The Stewardship Group brought in Philip Harding, innovation expert, Harvard graduate, and former Fellow in the White House to help launch and scale a new concept... the UPCI Innovation Fellows.

The UPCI Innovation Fellows was born out of a three-part mission: 1) to engage UPCI professionals sitting on the pews ready to step up, 2) to tackle big challenges with solutions inside the organization, and 3) to create sustainable innovation to further the mission of the Church. Philip heavily modeled this initiative after the Presidential Innovation Fellowship - a program he helped scale inside the U.S. Government.

The program is designed to problem solve and innovate on big, hairy, audacious problems while empowering the executive leadership of the UPCI to advance the kingdom of God faster and more effectively.

Innovation Fellows Objectives

1. Attract talent and untapped potential.

We tap into the massive, diverse pool of talent sitting in our pews, raising their hand to be part of the solution. They are looking for ways to use their skills, talents, and expertise to further the Kingdom. Financial managers, data scientists, tech engineers, organization experts, product managers, designers, and bi-vocational pastors are all becoming part of the solution.

To date, over 50 UPCI professionals participated in mastermind sessions to better assess the needs and challenges of multiple departments. Participants represent over 20 leading universities including Wharton University, Texas State, Georgetown, Harvard, and more. This is not an internship. Top talent engage in a tour of duty and give their skills to advance the kingdom of God on a large scale. This is not only for millennials. This is attracting all innovative types to better use their talents to serve the body of Christ.

2. Make big impact on big organizational problems.

We jump in, with a humble, empathic approach to learning and taking action alongside executive leadership to tackle big problems. Some of these problems may have been

delayed significantly or never tackled causing bigger issues in the future. These department leaders are going above and beyond to advance the kingdom of God, but may lack time and specific expertise found by engaging the whole church. These high-priority projects make an impact that ripples across the entire movement.

3. Lead sustainable change for the future.

We approach each project with a sustainable mindset for continual improvement. The future of the UPCI depends on sustaining innovative leadership in the face of constant change - both from inside and outside the organization. In order to achieve its mission around the world, the UPCI must foster and sustain a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. While our core beliefs are unchanging, the methods we use to advance the kingdom must adapt.

UPCI professionals are taking jobs in other fields — which is needed. However, there is a unique opportunity to attract them to meaningful work here at the UPCI. For the organization to continue its exponential growth, different skill sets will be required to ensure growth is maintained. UPCI professionals need a place to serve, and the UPCI organization has big needs.